
Flash cards
Blue                                      Gray
Green                                   Turquoise 
Yellow                                   Teal
Orange                                  Maroon
Red                                         Pink
Purple                                   Brown
Red- apple, red bell pepper, crasins
Orange- oranges, peaches, dried mango
Yellow- banana, squash, yellow tomato.
Green- zucchini, green beans, broccoli, apple.
Blue- Blue berries.
Purple- Grapes
Pink- Pink pancakes, add raspberry puree to pancake mix.
Brown- Chicken
Black- olives, blackberries.

Find colors on your walk- talk about the colors of the cars and flowers ect.
Color bingoMake a bingo flash card on white card stock by cutting squares out of colored paper. Use stickers to mark the colors. You can play this at the grocery store, in your house ect.
Color collection- Have a few bags to represent different colors. Go around the house and collect the different colors and put them in their bags. You can do one at a time or all at the same time.
Color art- Make different color art pieces. Use paint, markers and crayons to mark specific color art work.

Swimming- swim in a blue pool. 
Sky watching- go outside and look at the sky. What do you find in the blue sky?

Green adventure- Make a little map to display where you are going. Ex of
and adventure (march on the green grass, under the green tree, eat the green
jelly bean, to the green fort/tent) You can make the ten with a green blanket, 
sheet or towel. 
Picnic- Have a picnic on the green grass.

Yellow flower search- This can be done on a walk around the neighborhood
or in a nursery. If you feel like doing more then searching you can plant one. 

Make home made orange juice
Orange fish where are you? - go to a pet store and look at the fish. Try to 
find all the orange ones. 

Red car look out- This works well on a semi busy street. Side on the grass 
or side walk and look for the red cars, vans and trucks. Say all the colors that
go by but when you see a red one to a special red car dance. YES you will 
feel like a dork but it is very fun.

Color Jump- Tape or place different color construction paper on the floor.
Then jump around and shout out the colors that you jump onto. You can
mix it up by telling your child what to jump on next.

Color Match- Use the color flash cards and things from around the house.
Ex show the red flash card and then have your child find something red
around the house. Let them do all the looking. Let them choose what they
want to match up. Bring everything together and talk about all the items they

Find that color-  Take turns shouting out a color. Everyone has to go and 
find something that is the color that was shouted. Bring them all together 
and and place them in different color piles. Use fruit, cloths, toys, books etc. 

Color Patterns- Place paper, cups, fruit or anything you can find with a t least two different colors. Make a patteren and let your child finish it. EX, two orange things, one blue thing then one two orange, one blue.... 

Red- robin, turkey
Orange- duck, cat
Yellow- chick, snake
Green- frog, lizard, alligator 
Blue- bird, peacock
Brown- bear
Black- spider

I would do the color lessons for a week or two.