Welcome to a lesson page. Here is a weekly lesson with different things to do daily for your toddler. 
These Lessons are designed to teach your toddler with play and fun. There are new things to learn daily and weekly. Lesson set up: Flash cards, food, coloring pages, subjects with: lesson, games, activity, crafts, and books. Look at all of the lessons the week before so you can work them in. There is minimal prep work. 

The Letter E

Flash Cards
Elephant                          Explosion
Egg                                   Experiment
Eagle                                Exit
Engine                             Enter
Engine Day
Lesson- For older kid you can talk about what an engine does. It makes cars,trains, planes etc move. For younger kids you can show them a train engine and fire engine. Open the hood of your car and tell them that is an engine. Look at colors and shapes.
Craft- Things with engines coloring pages.
Activities- Go to your local train station or fire station and look at the engines.
Books- Maisy's Fire Engine, The little Engine That Could, The Fire Station

Egg day
Lesson- Oval shape. You can show them that an egg is an oval and try to find more ovals around the house or books. Counting with eggs (hard-boiled or Easter eggs). Patterns with Easter eggs ex:
place them in order yellow, green, blue, yellow green blue and then have your child finish with the rest.
Craft- Painting/coloring eggs. You can use finger paint, crayon or markers.
Activity- Egg treasure hunt. Make a treasure map that represents your house or yard. Mark where the eggs are hidden with an oval.
Book- Green Eggs and Ham, An Egg is Quiet, Allie Gator and the Easter Egg Hunt

Experiment Day
Lesson- The experiment is an explosion. Put baking soda bottle or something like it (use a paper to make a funnel). Then take it outside and poor vinegar in it (use a little over half a cup) It will foam up really high. For the lesson you can have multiple bottles of baking soda and see what happens when you put water in the bottle. Put food coloring in some of the vinegar and see if it turns the foam a different color.
Books- Science in Seconds for Kids, The Everything Kids Science Experiments book.

Other Ideas
Find E's in books at story time. As you are reading point out all the big E's and little e's.
Go out for an Evening stroll.