Welcome to a lesson page. Here is a weekly lesson with different things to do daily for your toddler. 
These Lessons are designed to teach your toddler with play and fun. There are new things to learn daily and weekly. Lesson set up: Flash cards, food, coloring pages, subjects with: lesson, games, activity, crafts, and books. Look at all of the lessons the week before so you can work them in. There is minimal prep work. 

The Letter P

Flash cards
Penguin                            Ping Pong
Pineapple                        Pee pee
Poo poo                             Paint
Porcupine                        Pig
Parrot                                           Pencil
Park                                                Picnic
Pickle                                            Pop tart  


Pineapple                         Pot pie
Pickles                              Pop tart
Lesson- What is a pig? What does it eat? What color are pigs? Where do pigs live? What else lives on the farm. Pig tracer page/ coloring sheet.
Game- Eat like a pig. Have your kids eat there lunch like a piggy. Explain that it is just for the day because it is pig day. Laugh have fun and don't be afraid to get messy. They will think it is funny if
you eat like one too. (When I say eat like a pig I mean 'snouts in the troth' style not eat everything in sight)
Craft- Chose from these Pig Crafts.
Activity- Centennial Farm has pigs and it is free.
Book- Chester the Worldly Pig, Gwendolyn, the Graceful Pig, If You Give a Pig a Pancake, The Year of the pigs,

Lesson- Colors and counting. Look at the green grass and the green trees. if there are flowers what color are they. What color is the slide and the swings. Then count everything. You can even bring a
paper with words or pictures of slides, trees etc. Then write how many of each thing you find.
Game- Relay at the Park. Toddlers can defiantly do a relay. Make sure you do this with them and have fun. Go threw the tunnel and hurry to the swings and go under, then go up the stairs and down
the slide. Next climb and the bench and walk to the other side and jump off. If your child likes this game chances are you will be tired before they want to stop. This is a great work out too!
Craft- Painting in the park. This is easy and quick! You are going to need a container with a lid. I used a big plastic pretzel jar, and a big plastic pickle jar, and a plastic protein powder container. You only need one. Grab some paint, a large plastic jar, paper, wrapping paper ribbon, cloths pins, and a few random objects. Small balls, legos, rocks etc. When you are at the park tie the wrapping
paper ribbon to two trees to create a cloths line. put your cloths pins on before you do the art. Now it is time to paint. Put your paper in and the random items of your choice. Put some paint in (not too much). Close the lid and shake it, play soccer with it, roll it down a hill, etc. When you are done pull it out and hang it on the cloths line. To make different looking art put different items in and
shake the jar in a different way. The art looks so beautiful just hanging in nature.
Activity- Have a picnic at the park.
Book- An A-Z Walk in The Park.

Lesson- What is painted? Talk about all the things that get painted. Walls, cars, houses, art etc. How does paint feels to the touch? Use paint brushes to count and do math.
Game- This one is Messy! Make flash cards that say right hand, left hand, right foot, left foot, face, blue, red, yellow and green. Place the body parts cards and the color cards in a different pile. Take turns picking up one card from each pile. What ever the card says you do. Ex left foot blue, this means that you paint your left foot blue.
Craft- Choose from these painting crafts.
Activity- Go to an art museum.
Books- Van Gogh and the Sunflowers, Painting on a Canvas: Art Adventures for Kids.