Welcome to a lesson page. Here is a weekly lesson with different things to do daily for your toddler. 
These Lessons are designed to teach your toddler with play and fun. There are new things to learn daily and weekly. Lesson set up: Flash cards, food, coloring pages, subjects with: lesson, games, activity, crafts, and books. Look at all of the lessons the week before so you can work them in. There is minimal prep work. 

The Letter T

Flash cards
Truck                                             Tiger
Tigger                                           Turtle
Tent                                              Tomato

Lesson- Where do tigers live? What color is a tiger? Do tigers have strips or spots? What do tigers say?
Game- Strips vs spots. Look at all the animal books you have and find the animals who have strips and fin the ones who have spots. 
Craft- Tiger magnet 
Books- Tiger on a Tree, Have You Ever Tickled a Tiger?, Tiger-Tiger is it True?.

Lesson- What does a choo choo train say? What is the train riding on? What is on the front, middle, and back of the train? 
Game- Choo choo express. Be a choo choo train. You can even make a train with boxes. 
Craft- Train craft.
Activity- Irvine park train, La habra children's museum.  
 Books- My Big Train Book, The Best book of Trains, The Good Night  Train. Big Book of Trains. 

Other ideas
Set up a tent to play in and to have story time.