Welcome to a lesson page. Here is a weekly lesson with different things to do daily for your toddler. 
These Lessons are designed to teach your toddler with play and fun. There are new things to learn daily and weekly. Lesson set up: Flash cards, food, coloring pages, subjects with: lesson, games, activity, crafts, and books. Look at all of the lessons the week before so you can work them in. There is minimal prep work. 

The Letter V

Flash cards
Visit                                          Villain
Vase                                          Vine
Vegetables                             Volcano 
Vulture                                    Vacuum 

Lesson- Why do we eat vegetable? Go threw the colors of different  vegetables. 
Games- Veggie match. Get some carrots, broccoli, zucchini, bell pepper etc. Put everything in a bowl and match them up together. 
Craft- Vegetable puppet.
Activity- Vegetable bingo. Go to a farmers market 
Books- Vegetables, What's in my Garden. 

Lesson- What does a volcano do. Is it hot or cold? What does it look like? What happens when a volcano explodes.
Craft- Make a volcano
Activity- Explosion time. Make your volcano erupt. This is so fun you can do it for hours. 

Books- The Best Book of Volcanoes, Volcanoes.